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Power Brands Consulting: Sell Your Beverage

30 May

If you have a new beverage product, there is an endless list of places where you can take it to market. In today’s age of online sales and globalization, a small beverage product can be sold to consumers and retailers all over the world. Every day, Power Brands Consulting helps startup and established beverage product companies get their products out to the farthest corners of the world.

Power Brands reviews every project we receive with care, so you know you’re getting the best service possible. We carefully guide our clients through what can be a daunting process. Our project managers are the best in the business, and they review all aspects of beverage development with their clients – from formulation work done in the lab, to lay flats designed by our graphics team. We are proud of the work we do for our clients, and we want to help you make your perfect beverage today.

After all, the management team at Power Brands Consulting knows a thing or two about exports. The company’s CEO and founder, Darin Ezra, got his early start in business importing consumer goods (many of them beverage products).

If you have a new beverage product, here are the top three places to sell it:

Gourmet/Specialty Grocers

It’s challenging for start-up beverage product companies to get placement in major grocery store chains. However, small gourmet and specialty grocers are much easier targets. Make sure your product has a niche before seeking out grocery placement. Are you marketing an energy drink with a positive health angle? If so, then you might be able to enter into a gourmet health food store that isn’t currently stocking any energy drinks.

Boutique Shopping Stores

Of course, food stores aren’t the only places where you can sell your beverage product. If you’re selling a high-end beverage product, you might be able to negotiate a deal with a boutique clothing store, hair salon, or other high-end non-food business. This is a great way to build hype and tap into a niche market.

Online Store

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of online sales. Many Power Brands Consulting clients draw in major revenues from online sales. Overhead is low, set-up is relatively inexpensive and easy, and it’s a great way to move inventory and build a customer base.

Power Brands reviews Bottled Water

22 May

Is premium bottled water losing ground?

The beverage specialists from Power Brand Consulting review the rise of private label bottled water and how it’s affecting premium bottled water. They believes that due to the unfavorable economic climate from the past year, customers are turning their attention to cheaper bottled water solutions, mainly private label ones. The Chicago-based research firm Mintel backs up the statement in its latest report on bottled water sales in the United States. The report reveals that from February 2011 to February 2012 the top three premium bottled water companies – Nestle Water, The Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo lost two percent of the bottled water market share, down to 57 percent, even though the overall market experienced growth in the last five years. Total sales of bottled water in 2011 reached $12.1 billion, marking a total increase of 5 percent from 2006.

In the 52 weeks ending on July 8, private label bottled water experienced a growth rate of 5.3 percent, totaling sales of $6.8 billion, with the majority of the top ten brands reporting increased sales, according to a report by market research firm SymphonyIRI.  It is estimated that around 25 percent of consumers are actively looking for private label bottled water, due to the reduced price.

The Power Brands Consulting bevearge experts note that flavored and/or enhanced bottled waters are on the rise and according to Mintel’s report, they controlled 24 percent of bottled water in 2011. The experts state that a lot of bottled water consumers are looking for low-calorie products and the flavored and enhanced bottled waters’ high-calorie count may turn away some of these customers. This can be observed in Nestlé Waters’ Pure Life which experienced a 17 percent increase in sales in a year, totaling $40 million.

Mintel’s report reveals that premium enhanced bottled waters experienced a decline in sales year-over-year. PepsiCo’s SoBe Lifewater , Propel and The Coca-Cola Co.’s Glacéau Vitaminwater witnessed a dip in sales of 6.3 percent, 10.8 percent and 4.6 percent respectively. The companies realized the consumers’ preference for healthier alternatives and introduced zero-calorie alternative products.

According to SymphonyIRI’s report, the sparkling water segment saw a 30 percent increase in sales in the past year, with all the top ten brands reporting an increase in sales. Mintel also estimates that the sector will continue to grow, with the period from 2011 to 2016 having an expected growth rate of 43 percent.

The growth is attributed to the consumers’ preferences for healthier alternatives to soft drinks and the carbonated taste, which still water doesn’t have. On top of that, sparkling waters do not have any calories, sweeteners, gluten or sodium, which makes them very appealing to health-conscious consumers.